
A little bit about my page…My husband is a Cubano, we have been married for 13 wonderful years and living together in Canada for 12. There is a world of horror stories about marriage fraud, scams and broken hearts,  all over the internet, in newspapers, on social media, “name your poison” so to speak…but I wanted to have a place where I could show that there does exist happy success stories as well.

We are a little family of 3, our son is 10 years old and he’s our pride and joy…lol. We have spent the last 12 years since my husband’s arrival to Canada, working and living our life here like every other Canadian family. My husband has adjusted to life in Canada quite well in my opinion and he’s been successful in his integration as well as with finding employment that he really enjoys.

A few years back we made the decision to start building a home in Cuba, even if for no other reason other than to have our own place to stay in when we vacationed, with the grandiose idea to some day retreat and retire there. Over the last 4 years we have built our home and started two businesses that for now, are run and overseen by our family living on the island. The more we talked, the more we felt pulled to leave this world behind and head for the tropics…to move to Cuba. Yes, you read it right…we are moving to Cuba!

This site will be to share our experience of preparing to move, as well as to share my experience of going from a country where you have access to everything at your finger tips…to a country where daily struggles are more than just a bad dream. To share how I (a foreigner) see Cuba on a daily basis, living there permanently in amongst the locals, doing things “A lo Cubano”…seeing what it’s like to reach for something with no guarantee that it’s going to be there and whether we can get it or not…even simple things like toilet paper. Just experiencing a different life, in a different way…a new journey with new adventures!

I hope you enjoy the read and feel free to leave comments or ask questions, come and take my journey with me!
